Oh and I also need to update my blogs. I love working and know that having lots of things to do is a lot way better than having nothing to do. But of course I am no superwoman and there are days like these when I just feel so tired. Still I believe that I will be able to accomplish that everything that need to be done in time.
I just need to do it one at a time.
As the saying goes, tough situation don’t last but tough people do. But right now, my mind needs to shut down a little and rest. So in this Friday afternoon, I decided to give myself a little break and take it easy. Here is a list of things I do whenever I am feel laden with numerous tasks in the office:
Listening to music or radio on my pc or phone. Right now I am listening to Monster radio at 93.1 and the music relaxes me. The banter of the DJs makes me laugh.
Quick Chat: I say hello to some of my online friend via YM that I know is not so buy for a little chit chat. Of course, I limit our talks so it doesn’t get in the way of our work
Text Therapy. I send a text message to my husband, mostly forwarded quotes. It just takes my mind off my work for a while
Pic Therapy. I will look at the various pictures of my daughter on my phone. No matter how tired I am, she never fails to make me smile.
Coffee Fix.I am not so fond of coffee but drinking coffee whenever I feel laden with tasks instantly perks me up. It awakens my sluggish mind and I feel alert in no time